Key Cabinets for Your Business
These days businesses cannot afford to overlook any aspect of security. Break-ins can cost you a lot in terms of physical theft, damages and also any loss of private client and business data. Key cabinets can be an important way in which you can improve site security for your business.
There may be a number of keys used every day in your business. These could provide access to your premises, filing cabinets, desk drawers, office vehicles and more. You don’t want to lock these keys away completely so that no one can access them but you do want to make sure they don’t fall into unauthorised hands. This is why key cabinets are such as good idea:
· Key cabinets remain locked at all times. You can access them easily though by inputting your PIN code into the keypad.
· This enables you to get the key you need and then lock the cupboard up simply by shutting the door again.
· With key cabinets your keys will be protected at all times and can only be accessed by those members of staff with an active PIN code.
· This is a great way to increase your site security and protect keys without hiding them away from those that need them.
Who Needs Key Cabinets?
Most businesses have some form of keys. This can be a practical and effective solution to security for business of all shapes and sizes.
You can buy a wide range of key cabinets to suit any needs. If you only have a few keys to protect then there are small key cabinets that offer compact security options.
Where Should I Install Key Cabinets?
The majority of key cabinets are designed to be installed on a free space of wall. You will need to think about the best place to install your key cabinet.
· Ideally this should be somewhere convenient for those members of staff that need to access the keys that are also not easily accessed by the public or visitors.
· Many businesses locate key cabinets behind reception desks, in main office spaces and also manager’s offices.
· These offer convenient yet secure options for locating your business keys.
· Think about the best places to install your key cabinets and then measure the space you have available before you go shopping.
· This should enable you to buy the right size key cabinet for the space you have available.
· You can install some key cabinet systems easily yourself with just a few wall screws. These will run on batteries and you will need to keep an eye on these to see when they need replacing.
· Others key cabinet systems you may need to get installed by professionals as they may need to be wired permanently into your electrical systems.
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