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ASSA ABLOY is a worldwide manufacturer of superior security locks and keys. The company's dedication to high end security at an affordable price makes ASSA stand out from the competition. ASSA's master key system is just one example of how the company goes above and beyond to ensure that customers get the security system they deserve.
ASSA ABLOY Master Keys
A traditional master key has a special pattern on its key blades that allow it to open several different locks. Most companies provide either a standard key that opens one lock or a master key that opens several locks. ASSA goes one step further with its master key system. The company can program master keys so that they only work with particular locks. This is a very helpful feature for managing a complete security system within the office.
For example, a small company needs all of its employees to have access to the front door. Some employees also need a key to get into their private office. Other employees need a key to open the stock room. The accountant needs access to the document storage room; the IT specialist needs access to the server room, and so on. Giving all of these individuals a master key that opens all rooms in the office is not an adequate solution because it would allow everyone to have unrestricted access. Issuing separate keys to office employees also creates problems because it means each employee must keep up with several sets of keys.
ASSA's master key system provides the ideal answer. Its patented key system allows each individual to only access rooms that meet their security requirements. This means that everyone's key opens the front door, but only the accountant's key opens his office and the door to the document storage room. The IT specialist's key opens the door to his office and the server room. Even the secretary's key opens the door to the stock room.
ASSA Patented Technology
The ASSA Master key system works this way due to the company's patented technology. For example, the high end CLIQ lock uses electronic monitoring as well as mechanical key technology. Each key has a unique electronic signal and code that the lock reads. Only keys with the correct electronic code have access to the door. ASSA takes great pride in being able to offer these extra security features to its customers.
Furthermore, ASSA is serious about security when it comes to its products. Each key has a unique pattern. ASSA can achieve this goal because its locks have billions of differs, making them both extremely secure and able to work with an almost unlimited number of potential key patterns. Whether users have a high security ASSA dp 2400 lock or a maximum security ASSA CLIQ lock, the company makes all of its keys to the same exacting standard.
Key Control
A building is only secure if very few individuals have access to the key. If anybody could get a spare key, then the premises become susceptible to unauthorised entries. ASSA maintains a key control system that regulates where customers can obtain a spare key. There are six different security levels. Customers must consider which level they need for adequate security without making the process too difficult. Key control levels include:
· Unregistered - Users can purchase keys from anywhere · Local Registration - Users can purchase keys only from an authorised retailer. Users must have a letter that states they are allowed to purchase the spare key. · In-House Registration - Users can purchase blank keys from authorised retailers and make the keys on company property. · Stockist Registration - Users can only purchase keys from an ASSA stockiest with the ASSA Security Centre designation. · Restricted Registration - Users can only purchase keys from an ASSA dp Centre · Authorised Registration - Users can only purchase keys directly from ASSA with the proper documentation.
This key control system limits how easy it is to obtain a spare key. Keys with the 'Authorised Registration' designation have the strictest limits, but not all companies need such an extreme security level. Furthermore, keys that come with patented ASSA technology automatically carry the 'Stockist Registration' designation. These keys include:
· ASSA CLIQ · ASSA dp 2400 · ASSA dp 4400 · ASSA 4800 · ASSA Twin Combi 5800 · ASSA Flexcore
Key Consulting
ASSA helps its customers develop a security plan that fits their business through its Systems Department. These consultants work directly with clients to create a custom security structure. This process creates a diagram that outlines who should have access to what areas of the complex. Then the company can assign master keys based on the access parameters granted to each individual.
Key Software
ASSA ensures that customers continue to monitor their security throughout the years as business needs change and new employees come and go. The company developed two in-house software programs that monitor key use. ASSA Keybank works for mechanical key systems such as the ASSA dp 4400. ASSA Performer works with the CLIQ system. Both programs come with a system lock chart and door diagram. There is also a key database that lists individual users assigned to particular keys. The main purpose of the program is to allow business to keep up to date with their keys. Companies also use the program to control the security system. For example, the software can generate forms for checking keys in and out of the office, or issue several reports. ASSA Performer also has the ability to create an audit trail.
ASSA master key systems are serious about security. Each key has a custom access plan tailored to the needs of each individual within the company. ASSA works closely with its customers to ensure that the office maximises its security and develops a complete key system that addresses all major concerns. Once the key system is in place, ASSA provides software to manage the keys and institutes a strict key control system that regulates the production of spare keys. ASSA goes above and beyond the competition with its master keys.
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